Researching the History of 20th Glasgow Scout Group

The first registration of 20th Glasgow Scouts was on 1931 and we are researching more history of the group for the 90th Anniversary in 2021.

Your Help Required

If you were in the group as a Scout, a Leader or connected in any way we need your help!   

2021 marks the 90th anniverary of the group and we are gathering details of the groups history from as many sources as possible.


If you have some photos, documents, badges or even just interesting stories aboiut the group then please get in touch.


Please email us at and we'll get back to you, or send us a message below.

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

Explorers - Team Member
Explorers Team Member.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 45.1 KB
Hall Maintenance
Hall Maintenance.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 53.6 KB
Hall Lets Convenor
Hall Lets Convenor.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 54.6 KB
Trail Race June 2024 - Volunteer
Trail Race 2nd June 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 53.8 KB