20th Glasgow (1st Milngavie) Scouts

Scout Hall
37 Main Street
G62 6BX

Charity Number SCO16410

Milngavie Scout Groups

There are 3 main sessions within the Scouting year:


1. September until Christmas.

2. January until Easter

3. After Easter break until schools close in summer.


Each group leader will create their own timetable of activities for the coming session and details are available either from the leader; in person, newsletter, facebook (First Milngavie Scouts) and via this website.


Group Name




 Beavers - Monday  6.15 - 7.15pm (upstairs hall)

Campsie Beaver Colony 


 yrs old  



Linda Levy Sheehan 



Beavers - Thursday  6.15 - 7.15pm (downstairs hall)

Mackay Beaver Colony


yrs old 

Lynn Kearns




Cubs -

Monday   6.30 - 7.45pm (downstairs hall)

Mugdock Cub Pack 


yrs old 


Duncan MacLean



Cubs - Tuesday 7.00 - 8.15 (both halls)


 Lochiel Cub Pack

8-10.5 yrs old 

Charles Vincent


Scouts -

Monday 7.30 - 9.30 (upstairs hall)



Kelvin Scout Troop 

10.5-14.5 yrs old 

Gordon Hobden


Scott Wason




Scouts - Thursday 7.40 - 9.30 (downstairs hall)

Leven Scout Troop

10.5-14.5 yrs old


Sandy Bennet



Explorers-Wednesday 7.30 -9.30pm (downstairs hall)

Icarus Explorer Unit 

14.5 - 18

yrs old 

Jo Winterbottom


Explorers - Team Member
Explorers Team Member.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 45.1 KB
Hall Maintenance
Hall Maintenance.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 53.6 KB
Hall Lets Convenor
Hall Lets Convenor.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 54.6 KB
Trail Race June 2024 - Volunteer
Trail Race 2nd June 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 53.8 KB