Child Protection

The Scout Association's Child Protection policy is known as the 'Young People First' policy. It's often referred to as the "yellow card" policy because of the pocket sized reminder card all adults are asked to keep and carry with them.


The 'Young People First' policy is held up as an example of best practice and praised by the child protection agencies. The Scout Association also enjoys the confidence and trust of thousands of parents who each week place their children in our care.

The following paragraphs show the code of practice that all Scout leaders follow to ensure your child is safe:


As an adult in Scouting you have a responsibility to ensure that young people are protected from harm. It is the responsibility of each adult in Scouting to ensure that:


  • their behaviour is appropriate at all times
  • they observe the rules established for the safety and security of young people
  • they follow the procedures following suspicion, disclosure or allegation of child abuse
  • they recognise the position of trust in which they have been placed; and
  • in every respect, the relationships they form with young people on their care are appropriate

All Adults in Scouting, including Members of the Scout Network who wish to work with young people, must accept and understand this policy. They must also agree to put the Association's policy on child protection into practice.


Meeting your responsibilities:

To give positive guidance the 'Young people First' (yellow card) sets out a code of behaviour. It is essential that all adults in Scouting follow this code. The 'do's and don'ts' can help you ensure that:


  • the welfare of the young people for whom you have a duty of care is safeguarded
  • you avoid compromising situations or opportunities for misunderstandings or allegations


Every Adult should have a copy of the code of good practice 'Young People First' (yellow card). The yellow card is designed for you to keep - carry it.


Check that:

  • you have your own copy
  • all other adults involved in the work of your Section/Group also have a copy
  • you have a copy (A3) of the Yellow Card displayed in you HQ or meeting place
  • parents / carers are made aware of the 'Young People First' Policy
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